Bullying is a serious problem in schools. Students are being affected academically due to constant annoyance whether it be physical, verbal, emotional, sexual, or cyber bullying, it still hurts.With the bullying comes short and long term effects. Short term effects include depression, anger, suicidal thoughts. Although these are a few effects that are considered short term they may easily become long term with just a few more fat jokes, isolation, or teasing.
David Emile Durkheim is a french sociologist who studied suicide. Although his data that was collected may not be accurate towards teen suicide and bullying he does have a good explanation of the various reasons as to why people commit suicide. He believes social order is possible because society controls or at least limits people's behavior. There are four types of suicide: Egoistic, Altruistic, Anomic, and Fatalistic. Some teens would fall into these categories of types of suicide, but I believe the main causes of teen suicide are bullying and isolation. Due to teens always feeling the need to "fit in" they do not realize that it does not matter. Going through all the trouble to be included is a waste of time because we can not pretend to be other people if we are all different. The problem with our society is we expect everyone to follow the norms and values that are set, but once someone breaks from the norm they might be considered an outsider forced to be alone.
Statistics show...
Suicide is the 3rd leading cause of death among teens
1 in 5 students though about suicide according to the National Youth Prevention Resource Center.
Over 1 in 12 attempted suicide in the last year according to NYPRC
8 out of 10 teens try to ask for help before attempting suicide
Teen girls are more likely to attempt suicide
Teen boys are four to five times more likely to die in a suicidal attempt
Over half of teen suicide deaths are inflicted with guns
*These are just a few facts of what teens today are facing with bullying and the effects, suicide being one.
This deviant behavior does not need to happen. YOU can help someone just say Hi, who knows you could turn that persons day around. <3
Bullying indeed is a big problem and students go as far as suicide & I didn't know that most death is with a gun!