I cannot function in my classroom without blue tape. Walking into a classroom and finding no blue tape on the white board leaves me speechless. I might as well not even attempt to learn in that class because the lack of blue tape would not allow me to focus. Teachers should definitely receive a consequence of... hmm I don't know GETTING FIRED for not applying blue tape to the white boards. That seems like the best and most reasonable solution.
Okay enough of the sarcasm....
I understand some students might need a better visual to understand what is required of them, but going to extremes for example, firing teacher, for choosing not to put tape on a board is outrageous. Out of all of the other more important situations in the world the focus is on blue tape on school white boards, which claims to increase intelligence. I don't know about you, but I thought educators teaching students about history, math, reading, and writing is what increased a students knowledge, not blue tape. Last school year my sophomore English teacher was told that she was being laid off. The consequences of teachers being laid off would be an increase of students in a single class. This would not provide each student with enough attention to learn or focus because a single teacher cannot control a mass amount of students alone yet we worry about blue tape, which is more important, right? There are several other reasons why blue tape is insignificant compared to the essentials of a school. Just take a look around a few schools and you'll know what I mean.