Monday, September 17, 2012

Why Beowulf?

            I posed the same question to myself the first day I heard of this unusual epic referred to as, Beowulf. Literature has a way of relating to our everyday lives, so I was interested in learning about why after all of these years the curriculum was still being taught.
            This epic poem reflected an early period of time in European culture. It is the oldest surviving piece of meaningful literature in English. There is some debate as to whether or not the epic was the oldest thing written in English which is most likely not true due to evidence of other literature, but some experts would argue otherwise. Beowulf was written originally in old English, but as time went on and the English language changed so did the interpretation of the epic. Different authors decided to rewrite the epic so that people of their time could understand the story. The similar translations have been slightly altered in syntax thus showing the various perspectives.
            Seamus Heaney is a distinguished modern poet who created another, one of many, translation of Beowulf. I assume he made it for readers who would not be able to depict the Anglo-Saxon language. Although there are several similar words and phrases the language was hard to understand due to the inverted syntax used throughout the selection. For example, Morgan says, “Grendel the fiend’s name…” In English today this would be read as “The fiend’s name is Grendel” from the Greenfield translation. Other factors contribute to the difficulty of understanding the language, for example the diction, punctuation, and use of different characters as noticed in several Old English pieces of literature.
            Another question arises “are we still fighting monsters?” In my perspective we may not be literally fighting monsters in modern times, but we are definitely fighting them in the symbolic sense. In this world most of us are fighting to be remembered, legendary, or even a part of noteworthy history. Our obstacles may not be the same as the medieval warriors, but we still have to overcome certain boundaries.
            There is much to learn from this tale of violence and brutal combat. The warriors during the Anglo-Saxon period were trying to be remembered as legendary people after their death because there was no formal way of recording their accomplishments, so in order to spread the word they told people. Scops were Old English poets who memorized and performed the epics in mead halls. I believe the epic continues to entertain its readers presently and viewers back in the Anglo-Saxon period when scops performed the epics. The stories catch the reader’s attention with its intriguing tone.
            Beowulf has continued to be a timeless epic poem and I believe it will continue in the future of fundamental education.

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Hands On Broward Volunteer!

My volunteering...

Feeding the homeless at 1st congregational and cooperative feeding

5ks: Alzheimer's association, American Lung association, Covenant House

Young at art children's museum: Multiple events

F.L.I.P.A.N.Y. (Florida Introduces Physical activity and Nutrition to Youth) / Humana: Serving healthy food and assisting building a playground

Snyder and Markham park: Building nature trails and planting in the nursery

Ronald McDonald House: Baking muffins for residents

These are just a few of the organizations and places where I have volunteered.

Volunteering has become an important part of my life over this last year and a half. I enjoy helping others not only in my community, but in other areas as well. Over the summer is when I devote a lot of time to volunteering. I try to do as much as I can during the school year.

At first I thought this was a good way to get my community service hours for school and also have something to do in my spare time. I reached my minimum requirements for school, but I did not stop volunteering. To see someone who may not have a family, home, food, a job or any of the things we take for granted really affects your thoughts on life. I get a sense that I helped someone and that feeling will never die for me. I honestly think being involved in service to others will be a huge part of my future.

I was nominated for youth volunteer of the year at Volunteer Broward's (former name) heart of the community awards dinner. Although I did not win my fellow nominee was well deserving of the title. I was also selected for Volunteer Broward's volunteer spotlight for the month of June in 2011. I continue to assist in any way possible because my intentions are to provide service to the community. I'm excited to see my fellow Step uppers are become Hands On Broward members, so our club can lend a few helping hands.

"Life's most persistent and urgent question is, What are you doing for others?"

June 2011 Volunteer Spotlight